Monday, June 13, 2011


There are tons and tons of different scripts, programs, and websites that claim to "allow you to download any video on the internet". However, as I'm sure many of you have come to realize, the vast majority of those are crap. Terrible quality, ridiculous prices, malware, ads, and many that just flat-out do not work

Well today I'm going to show you a neat (yet simple) program that works and that has always worked. All it does is access the video in your cache, and then allow you to copy/move it into another directory, where it will stay (files only stay in the cache temporarily). You could probably do this on your own without the aid of a program, but it makes it much easier.

The program I am referring to is called VideoCacheView, by NirSoft

So whenever you view a video on the internet, the video is automatically downloaded into your browser's "cache". When you open it up, VideoCacheView simply views your browser's cache and tells you about the videos in there. Then all you have to do is right click it...

...and select "Copy Selected Files To..." to save the video to wherever you want it. The advantage of using this grab-video-from-cache method is you don't have to re-download a video you just viewed - it is already existing in your cache. The problem with this method is the video names will not be properly generated (this isn't the program's fault!), so you may have to guess a couple of times to find the correct video (just do "Play Selected File" before saving it to a permanent location on your computer).

Be sure, before copying a video, that the video has buffered completely on the webpage. If not, VideoCacheView will only be able to grab what has buffered so far.

Other things to note:

VideoCacheView supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome

VideoCacheView works with more than just video files

This method works for 99.999% of all videos I've ever come across, with the one exception of Hulu. As far as I know, downloading from Hulu is impossible.


Friday, June 10, 2011


Have you ever wanted to send a file to a friend in a very sneaky way? Or maybe wanted to keep files on your computer cleverly disguised, away from prying eyes? Well, using a simple trick with Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of a JPG picture file! Believe it or not, you can actually hide any type of file inside of a .jpg, (.txt, .exe, .mp3, .avi, etc.) Not only that, you can actually store multiple files inside of single JPG file, not just one! This can come in very handy if you need to hide files and don’t want to bother with encryption and all that other complicated stuff.

Before you start, you'll need to make sure you have at least one of the following programs installed:
 (They are all free)

Now we can begin.

1) First, create a new folder, anywhere. It doesn't matter what you name it, so long as you can remember the name. Put the files that you want to hide into this folder.
2) Make the folder into a .rar file (shown below). Name the .rar file "stuff.rar"

(Click the images to see them full sized)

3) Make a new folder, and name it "folder". Put the rar inside of this folder.
4) Take the .jpg image that you want to hide the rar inside of, and rename it to "image" (you can change it to whatever you want later on). Then put it into the folder you made in step #3. The .rar file and the .jpg image should be the only files inside of this folder.
5) Move "folder" (along with it's contents) to the directory "C:\"
6) Open up the command line by clicking start, run, typing cmd, and then hitting enter.
7) In the command prompt, type the following (without the quotes):
"cd c:\"
8) Press enter. Then type the following (without the quotes):
 "cd folder"
9) Press enter. Then type this (again without the quotes):
"copy /b image.jpg + stuff.rar new.jpg"
 Your command prompt should read the following:
11) Open up the folder (the one you made in step 3). See "new.jpg"? That's the jpg with your rar hidden inside. You can rename it whatever you like. To open up the rar inside, simply open the image with 7-zip/winrar/winzip. It will open up your folder inside, where your hidden files are.
Did it work? Leave me a comment!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Of all the programs on my computer, Rainmeter has got be one of my favorites, and I feel obligated to share it with you all. Rainmeter is a free customization tool that enhances Windows PC with useful, compact applets that float freely on your desktop (much like Windows Sidebar gadgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac). It allows users to keep track of things like CPU performance, news feeds, system resources, online data streams, blogs, tweets, etc.

There are many thousands of various different themes and skins available to download and install to customize Rainmeter to your liking.

Once you've downloaded the installer, go ahead and install it.

To add/remove gadgets or configure settings, right-click on the Rainmeter skin and choose the appropriate options. From here, you can set variants, change skin, edit skin parameters, change skin position, add widgets (for battery power, clock, disk, RSS feeds, network performance, memory, weather, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc) and much more.

The great thing about Rainmeter is that you enter all your settings via the GUI (Graphical user interface) interface which can be accessed by double clicking on the sidebar and then going to configuration, then once you entered them all, they’re saved for any theme you apply. This means you don’t have to go re-entering your settings each time you change theme.

Did it work? Leave me a comment!